Jumat, 28 Januari 2011

The Arc

I need inspiring discussions, quality talks; anything that could help me finding the way...

I need motivations, strong willingness

I need to find myself

Senin, 24 Januari 2011


K: Do you believe in love at first sight?
S: Well, no. I don't think so. Why?
K: Just asking


S: Hey! Why have you been walking by me for the past hour?!
K: Since you don't believe in love at first sight, then lot of glances should work... right?


credit: tumblr

Fantasy World?

Buat gw, Dufan adalah kenyataan yang tak seindah impian. Gw bahkan sampai memasukan Dufan ke dalam list Resolusi 2011 gw saking penasarannya karena udah belasan tahun gw ga pernah menginjakkan kaki di sana. Terakhir kali ke sana pas jaman wahana Robocop dan Rama Shinta masih eksis deh (tahun berapa itu?)

Dan ketika sampai di depan gerbang Dufan, gw udah hampir berbalik karena mendengar bagaimana cara kora-kora, hysteria, halilintar, dan tornado di-operasikan. Tapi ga mungkin kan udah capek-capek nyampe sana terus ga jadi. Akhirnya gw memutuskan untuk mengorbankan duit 120 ribu demi sebuah tiket masuk dan cap di tangan.

Dan beginilah summary-nya:

Wahana pertama: Bianglala. Pemandangan oke tapi bikin pusing dan mual. Diputer-puter ampe lebih dari lima kali dong -_-

Wahana kedua: Halilintar alias roller coaster. Cuma gw dan adek gw yang naik secara hari masih pagi. Adek gw tipe orang yang ga bisa teriak, jadi cuma gw sendiri yang teriak-teriak. Lumayan seru sih yang ini (dan kerasanya juga cepet banget jadi 'aman').

Wahana ketiga: Rumah Boneka. Bonekanya kayak Chucky semua.

Wahana keempat: Kora-kora. Rasanya mencelos. Jantung turun ke lambung, lambung naik ke jantung. Frustasi. Mual. Gw sampe teriak-teriak minta berhenti lho (membuka aib).

Wahana kelima: Arung Jeram. Cuma dibasah-basahin doang. Kasian adek gw bawa laptop jadinya sibuk melindungi laptop.

Wahana keenam: Journey to the Center of The Earth. Pusing kursinya digoyang-goyang. Kalo goyangnya nyantai bisa tidur tapi kalo gitu judulnya harus diubah jadi Journey to the Old Man's House.

Wahana ketujuh: Perang Bintang. Tembak-tembakan biasa aja.

Wahana kedelapan: Carousel. Berasa romantis naik wahana yang satu ini tapi tetep aja pusing karena diputer-puter.

Wahana lainnya: Rumah Kaca dan Rumah Miring. Begitu-begitu aja.

Sempat ada keinginan naik Tornado dan Hysteria, tapi setelah nontonin orang lain naik, gw memutuskan untuk pulang saja -_- Gw benci dengan perasaan tidak berdaya saat 'dipermainkan' seperti itu. Makasih banget deh. Gw ga ngerti kenapa gw bayar mahal-mahal cuma untuk dibikin mual dan sakit tenggorokan.

Ya begitulah. Gw sendiri merasa aneh, padahal gw bukan tipe yang sepenakut itu. Kayak pas dulu ikut arung jeram, gw excited banget meskipun hampir hanyut dan nabrak batu. Naik flying fox sama banana boat juga oke banget (emang ini level cupu sih). Yah... pokoknya sayonara deh kalo dikasih tantangan "ketinggian" dan "diputar-putar". Jangan pernah ngajak gw ke tempat kayak Dufan, I'm not an adrenaline junkie. Period. @_@

Jumat, 21 Januari 2011

Next Week!

I'm currently overexcited about my trip next week. Okay, mainly not because the trip... but the main purpose of it. You must have guessed... yes, what else? I'm talking about Super Show 3 Super Junior in Singapore. I just made a phone call to Bimbi two hours ago and she is definitely in the same state as mine (Gracia, why are you so passive in messenger?)

To be honest, sometimes I also ask myself... is it 'normal' thing to do? I mean... okay, I know Super Junior is not the best singers or the best dancers on earth. Absolutely not. Do not compare them to other singers that you might find in Java Jazz or to the dancers from So You Can Think You Can Dance? They're just... different.

For me, Super Junior is very entertaining boyband. Yes aside from their handsome face (don't care whether it's plastic or natural beauty), they sell "proximity" to their fans. Frankly speaking, I start being their fan not because of their songs. Okay, their songs are ear-catching, but the explorer of human body is definitely the initial reason why I really like them. It's one of their variety show in which they were doing random funny things that made me and friends laugh to dead during our dark age (final project). They reveal their silly personalities to their fans and make them feel 'closer' to their idol. Well, it is probably part of their marketing plans.. I mean all they did on TV might be written in scripts, just fake personalities. But hey, it's their job to entertain the viewers--whether it was just acting or not, as long as they could pamper us... that's okay for me. Besides, from what I have watched in some videos, their stage performance are indeed cool and amusing (and Kyuhyun's voice has a special power to melt me down)

So, everyone has their own choice toward entertainments. Some of you might also go to Singapore to get some fun in Universal Studio. And I prefer to go watching a boyband show in Singapore Indoor Stadium because I'm not interested in theme parks. That's fair right? I'm looking for my own entertainment (and I'm so happy to do it with my best mates--without them, it would be different), thank you very much :*

And this is my recent status:

Ticket for concert checked
Flight checked
Passport checked
Accommodation err.. 50%
Luggage zero (I will just bring a backpack and a handbag.. easy~)
Money 0_0
Lyrics T_T (Korean is difficult!)
Map I don't know the route to the indoor stadium but we could just ask later~
Heart @#$%^&*)


If you love babies, you will definitely drool over this movie~ (of course not because you want to literally eat them). This movie is a must for sweethearts who ever dream about having kids--and of course for elderly couples that crave for a little cutie grandchildren (just like my parents :p).

Film ini sebenarnya adalah sebuah film dokumenter yang merekam aktivitas bayi sejak mereka dilahirkan hingga berusia satu tahunan. Dan seperti yang bisa Anda lihat pada gambar di atas, ada 4 bayi dari berbagai negara yang berperan dalam film ini: Ponijao dari Namibia, Bayar dari Mongol, Mari dari Jepang, dan Hattie dari USA.

Proses perekaman dimulai sejak mereka masih di dalam kandungan ibu mereka masing-masing hingga kemudian cerita bergulir pada perkembangan bayi-bayi tersebut dalam lingkungan yang berbeda satu sama lainnya. Ponijao yang hidup di alam liar Afrika, Bayar yang tinggal di pedesaan Mongol, serta Mari dan Hattie yang tinggal di kota modern Tokyo dan San Fransisco. Dari mereka menyusui, merangkak, bermain, marah, belajar makan, hingga mereka akhirnya dapat berdiri dengan kedua kaki mereka sendiri. Di sini kita juga dapat mengetahui perbedaan cara mengasuh anak di negara-negara tersebut--dan bagaimana mereka pada dasarnya tetap melalui tahapan perkembangan yang sama.

Ah, pokoknya saya nonton film ini sambil ketawa-ketawa karena tingkah-laku lucu bayi-bayi tersebut dan setengah pengen nangis juga karena mengharukan sekali melihat perkembangan mereka di film ini (sindrom wanita berusia 20 tahunan??). Sangat direkomendasikan untuk menonton film ini (dengan implikasi kena sindrom pengen punya bayi -_-')

Minggu, 16 Januari 2011

a cup of tea

Whenever I feel cold--inside or outside--I will just walk to the kitchen
Grab a mug from the cabinet, fill it with 3 spoonful of sugar
Put tea powder into the pink-painted ceramic teapot
Pour the hot water from water heater

Wait for several minutes...

.... and my mind drifts into a certain memory

have you ever read the story about a rat living in a teapot?

or about the tiny Thumbelina?

Tick Tock... Time flies

I pour the hot tea into my mug, stir it and make the solid sugar turns liquid

Feel the warmness of the drink, I put my lips on the brim of mug... slowly sip the substance

When my brain translates the taste, I could only sigh...

The tea is too sweet...

Minggu, 02 Januari 2011

I'm flattered when...

... my 4-year old cousin suddenly approached me and said "Mbak Ayu, I miss you"

... and also when my best buddy wrote something about me in her personal blog :">

That was so sweet~ awww... I could smile all day~

new year's eve

Last year (I mean in 2008), I went to Jogjakarta at the end of December to watch Sendratari Ramayana with my family and PSTK fellows.

The first thing that came to my mind was the sacred feeling of watching the story of Rama and Shinta in Candi Prambanan--a place in which the story was carved in its old gigantic stones. My friend told me that the show was sometimes held in an open space with the candi as the background but this time, the show was held in the indoor area. I don't know, maybe it's due to the rainy season but I'm pretty sure it would be greater to watch it outdoor as there was a full moon in the dark sky at that date.

Nevertheless, the show itself was astonishing. Some people said that Ramayana is just like Hindi version of Romeo and Juliet. It combined Javanese dance, music, and drama in a 2-hour epic performance. The actors and the actresses were good-looking and they danced like a flowing river. Smooth yet powerful. Not to mention that the accompaniment of gamelan was also great. They didn't use sophisticated effect nor the grand background but the show was still so awesome that I promise myself to watch it again someday. Well, if some of you think that sendratari performance is kinda boring... scratch that... this one is really recommended (and of course affordable)

After watching the sendratari, I decided to go with my friends to alun-alun Jogjakarta while my family left to the hotel. That was my first time celebrating the new year's eve at the heart of Jogjakarta city and I never regret it! The square was packed with people who wanted to share the happiness of new year together and the sky was bluntly painted with fireworks. Laughs were mixed with the sounds of trumpet as well as the blast of fireworks, just like a rock orchestra. The sight of joy were spread across the cultural city. Don't blame me for wishing a boyfriend at that moment since it felt so romantic :p

The next thing we did after that was walking by feet to Mesjid Agung Jogjakarta because we hadn't take a pray yet (a bad start to begin a year huh?). We were sitting there for a moment, absorbing the atmosphere of the old grand mosque and having a nice conversation before we went to Malioboro street by becak. Yeah, it was another memorable experience for me: riding a becak at 2 in the morning then eating gudeg at the lesehan of that famous street.

What can I expect more? Good city, good experiences, good companions... that was the best way to spend your new year's eve!