Jumat, 27 Januari 2012



- English Translation -

Super Junior

When I see you, I only smile- even shy smiles
Your eyes that look at me- are they sad and talking of goodbye baby?

Are you that tired of seeing the same person
and doing the same things every day?
Will you forgive me?
Please think about it one more time
I won’t let you go now

*I’m a fool to have made you cry
Letting you go was because I was lacking
Forgive me for trying to erase you
Please- so that I can breathe again

When I see you, I cry- you make me into a fool
When you have a change of heart, I will be standing there on your way back baby

The breakup that you prepared
hurts me so bad that I could die, even after time passes
There’s still so much that I have to do for you before I let you go


Where do I start? Starting at some point, we lost the preciousness (you know even if I don’t say it)
But I miss each second of each minute and
Your beautiful, eye-blinding smile
I hope this touches you heart
Will my sad prayer pass this rain and pass on to you?
I’m so in pain right now because you have left
I’m so in pain- why is it so hard?
I think about you every night
Do you know how anxious I get if I don’t think about you for just one day?
You probably don’t know- there’s no way you will know
If you think of me once in a while, then please come back then

**Saying I love you, saying it to you
Saying I miss you, Saying I want to hug you, and only you
I want to protect you
For you, who will come back to me

Jumat, 13 Januari 2012

(a short) bb cream review

So, I've just tried this bb cream from skinfood (aloe sun bb cream with SPF 20 PA +) and I'm quite unsatisfied with the result. It has sweet fragrance, which becomes a good point, and it fairly covers my blemishes. Unfortunately, the color is too light for my medium-dark skin so I think it's generally not recommended for malayan people. It will make us look pale. The coverage also doesn't last too long, only 4-5 hours (probably because I have combination skin). Another bad news is that I got breakout a day after my first try.

I also tried another bb cream. It's from maybelline and though it's much cheaper than skinfood, it fits me better. Its beige shade blends with my skins perfectly and makes my face look naturally smooth lol. But, it doesn't have good oil control so in 4-5 hours, my face turns into oil refinery.The fragrance is also similar to the scent of common foundation.

I will definitely try another brands (after monthly pay day of course XD). And if you are in Indonesia and interested to asian skincare/make-up, you may want to check this site. FYI, you can buy samples from that shop ;p

Minggu, 08 Januari 2012

2012 : New Wishes

Satu. Setelah hampir setahun bekerja, tahun ini harus menjadi tahun jalan-jalan buat gw. Target terbesar gw adalah ke Korea Selatan dan karena itu, aplikasi visa ke sana harus di-approve dulu nih~

Dua. Kursus menjahit. Gara-gara gw kesulitan mencari penjahit, gw berpikir gw harus nyoba belajar jahit sendiri *padahal sekarang jahit kancing aja ngga bisa*
Agak ragu sih berhubung gw orangnya ga telaten, tapi tetep penasaran hehe.

Tiga. Ga muluk, gw pengen bisa masak tiga jenis masakan.

Empat. Olahraga minimal satu jam per minggu.

Lima. Belajar nyetir mobil dan dapet SIM A lewat ujian resmi.

Enam. Beli laptop baru beserta hard disk external-nya! Belom kepikiran merknya apa, tapi pengennya yang ringan dan prosesor-nya cepet. Terus warnanya antara hitam atau merah.

Tujuh (eternal wish). Turun berat badan 5 kg!!! Asli, badan berat itu ngga enakkk, mau gerak juga berat dan jadi lebih males bawaannya.. Mana baju jadi pada ngga muat pula -_- Godaan makan memang sulit ditangkal, gw merasa dipelet sama makanan enak.

Delapan. Lulus presentasi akhir program MT.

Sembilan. Menulis satu artikel yang kemudian di-publish.

Sepuluh. Setelah hampir tiga tahun menjomblo, kayaknya udah waktunya untuk mulai serius deh. Target secara umum: lebih tua beberapa tahun, dewasa, nyambung, smart, dan penyayang. Yah sebenernya yang ini ga terlalu ngotot harus tercapai sih #pasrah

Sebelas. Beli produk-produk skincare dan memakainya dengan teratur karena gw semakin mendekati umur 25 dan gw harus mulai merawat kulit dengan benar. Gw belum tau sih skincare yang dibutuhkan tuh tipenya apa aja, secara selama ini paling cuma make moisturizer Olay andalan :))

Dua belas. Mulai bantu-bantu ngajar lagi dan ngumpulin buku untuk bikin perpustakaan mini anak-anak!

Tiga belas. Apply kartu kredit! Sebenernya emang ga terlalu butuh untuk kehidupan sehari-hari tapi penting buat booking pesawat atau hostel.. Males juga kalo dikit-dikit minjem kartu kredit orang.

Sekian dulu aja deh :D
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